Yes, I work with people of diverse, multi-cultural backgrounds. Some are distressed because of their life’s journey (migration trauma, feelings of isolation and loss of community, domestic violence support) and the circumstances in which they now find themselves.
Culturally appropriate therapy and counselling is a must if people are to find their own destiny and work out their issues in a way that fits in with their cultural values and their cultural identity.
I also do coaching work with Indigenous people in the work and life skills they desire to expand.
I work with LGBTQI people who want and need support to work through their own issues and needs just the same as people in the broader community.
And I work with people who have a disability or disadvantage and wish to find their own way and niche in life. They do not want to be patronised or be pushed into a mould which does not fit them
I hold a Masters in Applied Psychotherapy and Counselling from Torrens University (Jansen-Newman Institute), a Masters of Commerce (Western Sydney University) along with hundreds of professional development hours in a number of psychotherapy and counselling disciplines. I have a Coaching Diploma from the Jansen Newman Institute and am also a Fellow of AHRI (Australian Human Resources Institute).
I have an integrated and holistic approach to anyone who comes to see me. While it is predominantly person-centred, I also use tools from Hypnotherapy, Somatic therapy (body-centred and connected to physical well-being), Narrative Therapy, Psychodynamics, Family Constellations, NLP, ACT, Mindfulness-based and Positive Psychology.
I am registered with PACFA, the peak body for Psychotherapists and Counsellors in Australia. I am also a member of AHRI and CFA (Coaching Federation of Australia).
Coaching helps you to meet your aspirations for your career and personal life. This means you wake up each day, feeling that you are engaged in work or activity that you are passionate about and which you find meaningful. It means you hone your skills and work efficiently and effectively in achieving specific goals and your personal life and your goals are in synchronicity. Your aspirations become realistic and achievable. I believe that you can structure your life to pursue your dreams and direct your energy into taking control of your life.
- I aid you to identify your personal life purpose and the unique person that you are. We then work to find your ‘zone of brilliance’ getting over any barriers and learning new skills and ways of being. I use the GROW (Goals, your current Reality, Obstacles/Opportunities, Way Forward) Model and utilise tools from Neuro-Linguistic programming, hypnotherapy, performance enhancement and a variety of other sources. Similar models are OSKAR (Outcome, Scaling, Know-how, Affirm-Action, Review), TGROW (Topic, Goal, Reality, Options, Wrap-up or Way Forward), CLEAR (Contracting, Listening, Exploring, Action, Review)
Because of my own journey to find meaning in life and to distinguish myself from someone who has just worked, existed and died. I wanted to find the purpose in my life and understand some of the patterns that kept recurring. I was also deeply interested in the great existential questions in this life: Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? What is the meaning of my life or existence? How should I live my life?
In a world of moral ambiguity, where there are so many “grey” areas (instead of moral black and whites such as good vs. evil) how do I make moral choices aligned to my true life’s purpose? Should I choose between two competing bad choices? Or choose between two competing good choices?
Whatever you wish to bring to the session. Nothing is sacrosanct or out of bounds. Usually, people talk about the different circumstances and current life issues that have brought them to counselling or therapy. Whatever it is, I will be there to encourage and support you to explore the questions and find the right answers that fit you to make sense of your own personal situation. Because those answers exist within you! What you need is help and support with a guide who is committed to helping you in the journey of exploration.
It is possible that you can ‘solve’ your issue or dilemma in one session. Usually, it takes 3 or 4 sessions to get to the heart of the matter for therapy or counselling to start having effect. Then you may wish to come back and clarify issues which keep ‘popping’ up on your journey to well-being or support for the emotional turmoil which may be created by interactions with friends and relatives.
At the first session we get to know each other. You get the opportunity to assess how I can help you and for me to get an idea of what your problems or issues may be and what is creating them. While the session is explorative in nature, you can set out your expectations and hopes and can get any questions answered about any aspect of the work. At the end of the session, we discuss how you felt the work progressed and if we want to continue working together.