Monsoon Woman (written under the pseudonym of Laxmi Lall) published by Balboa Press 2019
Monsoon Woman is the story of Menaka, a self-made woman who escaped domestic violence and religious control to carve a new life. Menaka recounts her story starting as a child of privilege, daughter of a high-ranking army officer and an educated mother and grandmother (rare in early and mid-20th century India). Arriving in Australia, finding herself almost destitute, she worked and educated herself, getting several academic degrees, and ascending the corporate ladder. She narrates how she earned her experiences the hard way, despite the systemic obstacles in corporate life placed in her path directly and indirectly, due to all pervasive patriarchy and ethnocentrism. Her struggles as a young woman enduring domestic violence and religious control were replaced by the triple whammy of sexism, racism, and ultimately, ageism. Menaka reinvented herself, finding her passion working for women’s rights while following her dreams. After leaving corporate life, she became an advocate for diversity, inclusion and equity for women and a campaigner to end domestic violence.
About the Author (aka Laxmi Lall)
Menaka Iyengar Cooke emigrated to Australia in the early 1970s. Soon after, she became a single parent, began academic study at night, while working for ASX100 and international organizations in Human Resources and Organisation Development roles, developing cultural change and diversity programs. Now, through her counselling practice and advocacy work, Menaka supports people to empower themselves and achieve change.
‘Monsoon Woman’ by Laxmi Lall is available through Balboa Press or Amazon (paperback for $24.95 + postage or as a Kindle book). It is also available in Australia by contacting the author via email.
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